I feeeeeeel goooooood!

January 1, 2012 § 2 Comments

Within the first week, I was feeling better than I had in a VERY long time.  I used to feel quite “gross,” for lack of a better word, after I ate.  I think I felt this way my whole life but I just assumed it was how everyone felt after eating.  By the end of week one, I had energy after I ate instead of feeling like I was carrying around a brick (sluggish and tired).  I started losing weight too!  I had always eaten relatively well so I didn’t understand how I had gained so much weight over the years.  I guess it makes sense that I was feeling so poorly and gaining weight because the villi in my intestines were wearing away and my food was taking much, much longer to digest and turning to fat more quickly.  I am not certain whether I have a TRUE “gluten” allergy but I treat it as such. If you want to find out more about intolerance and allergy information related to wheat and/or gluten, there is a ton of information out there.  My doctor could never really pinpoint what I have exactly, but because I felt better after removing it and have had some relapses after eating items on the unsafe list (accidentally of course), I follow the gluten free diet.  This site seems to have a great deal of information and might be helpful – http://gluten-intolerance-symptoms.com/.  As of today, January 1, 2012, I have lost a total of 36 pounds!  I haven’t even been trying to. It just happens as a result of eating the food my body can digest.  I feeeeeel goooooood!!


§ 2 Responses to I feeeeeeel goooooood!

  • rose says:

    The same thing happened when I went gluten free. I feel so much better. I’ve lost 20 pounds in 2 1/2 months without doing anything out of the ordinary. Before I had just been gaining and gaining even with eating a what I thought was healthy at the time 1500 calories a day. My rheumatologist said several of his patients find relief for their joints with gluten free eating as I have.

    • hmr0207 says:

      Hi Rose!

      That’s wonderful news! I’m so happy for you! I know the feeling :). It’s funny because so many people tell me how sorry they are that I can’t eat certain things or that they could never do the diet, but when you feel the pain or know what it’s like to feel that way, it is a no-brainer! I hadn’t heard about the joint relief part but it certainly does make sense! Not only because of the weight loss, but imagine how many nutrients our bones and joints weren’t getting because of the digestion issues.

      Thank you so much for posting and I wish you the best of luck! If you have any other information to share with others, please feel free!

      Take care,


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